#CoverReveal: Rendering By Donald Kemp



RenderCRTourButtonGood morning, lovelies.

I’ve a little goodie for you all today.

Up-and-coming author, Donald Kemp, has his debut novel releasing next month. Today, I’d like to share the book’s new cover with you all. Isn’t it lovely?


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#SignUp For The #CoverReveal For Hour Measure By Mark Roemmich

Mark Roemmich is seeking some help with the cover reveal on his soon-to-be released book titled, Hour Measure.

Would any of you like to help him out?

Thanks so much in advance!

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#CoverReveal: Forbidden Desires By Lissette E. Manning



Good morning, everyone.

I’ve a little goodie for you all today.

As some of you may know, Forbidden Desires finally has a release date.

I wanted to share with you all the lovely cover that was made for it. I hope you all like it as much as I do.

Without further ado, here it is!

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#CoverReveal Request: Squirrel Mafia By Sharon C. Williams

Good morning, everyone.

Author Sharon C. Williams‘s soon-to-be released non-fiction novelette, Squirrel Mafia, has a release date of August 12, 2014.

A cover reveal is being put together to unveil the book’s cover on August 1rst, and she’d like to know if any of you can oblige her in helping get the word out.

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