Introducing Our Newest Imprint, Risque Pleasures!

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Awesome news, everyone.


We’d like to introduce you to one of our newest imprints, Risque Pleasures.

Aimed toward those who write and read erotica, we want to bring you titillating stories that will entice your libido, and boost your romantic prowess. From contemporary erotic works to boundary-stretching BDSM, we hope to feed your need for erotic literature.


What We’ll Accept:

Erotica (Mainstream, Traditional, BDSM-themed, and LBGT. Some Fetish Erotica maybe accepted, depending on material offered.)

Erotica-Themed Poetry (Accepted in the form of collections/for anthologies.)

Historical/Regency-Themed Erotica

Interracial Erotica

Mènage Erotica (3 or more people)

Paranormal Erotica (Vampires, Gods, Were’s (All Types), Ghosts, etc. Succubus/Incubus stories are acceptable, as long as they’re written within reasonable limits. See below.)

Steampunk Erotica

True-Life Memoir Erotica


What We Won’t Accept:

Works depicting heavy abuse, abusive pornography, rape, incest, under-age Erotica, and bestiality.

We do not condone these types of Erotica.


We want to offer our readers stories they can relate to where the characters engage in consensual sex. These stories are meant to stimulate the senses, arousing the reader’s inner desires. The stories offered are meant to be enjoyed by both men and women, and are aimed at ages 18 and over.


Accepted Story Lengths

Short Stories (2k – 10k word lengths)

Novelettes (10 – 17.5k word lengths)

Novellas  (17.5 – 40k word lengths)

Novels  (40 – 100k+ word lengths)

Poetry (100 words and above. 100 words is the minimum requirement for submission.)


These stories are not intended for those under the age of 18.

Submission opening periods will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

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