

Established on the 11th of March, 2014.


All things Paranormal can be found here.


What We’ll Accept:
(Please be aware that if the story has heavy sexual situations in it, it falls under the Erotica category regardless of its sub-genre. For this reason, we ask that you submit our story to our Erotica imprint, Risque Pleasures.

This imprint includes all types of Paranormal genres, including the following:)

Crime/Legal & Medical/Police Procedural/Thriller/Suspense Paranormals




Horror Paranormals

LGBTQ Paranormal (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer Stories.)

Monster Paranormals (Includes all types of monsters–vampire, zombies, succubus/incubus, etc.)

Mystery Paranormals




Speculative Paranormal




What We Won’t Accept:

Works depicting excessive violence, heavy abuse, abusive pornography, and rape. (These are stories that focus exclusively on rape/excessive rape abuse. If there is a rape that is necessary to move the story along, but is not the focus of the story, then the book/story is acceptable. Heavy rape/violence stories are not acceptable, however.)

We do not condone these types of stories.


Accepted Story Lengths

Short Stories (2k – 10k word lengths)

Novelettes (10 – 17.5k word lengths)

Novellas (17.5 – 40k word lengths)

Novels (40 – 100k+ word lengths)

Poetry (100 words minimum length per poetry piece. We do ask that poetry submissions be a collection of poetry. 40-50 written pieces minimum.)


Enidia Press Publishing is now open for submissions.

To submit your story/book for consideration, please email: submissions@ldbpress.com, with the subject line: Enidia Press Publishing Manuscript Submission – (Title Of Your Work). Be sure to check out our submission guidelines for further information and manuscript formatting guidelines.