Good morning, lovelies.
Today, we’d like to share with you the cover for Eva Bielby’s second book in the Goings-On trilogy, Comings & Goings. It’s due out on June 5, 2018.
We hope you all enjoy it. Without further ado, here it is!
Title: Comings & Goings
Author: Eva Bielby
Release Date: June 5, 2018
Publisher: Risque Pleasures
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Book Description:
You can never run from the past.
Afraid of losing control, Helen Pawson now finds herself in Paris, intent on living a peaceful life. She no longer wants anything to do with the world Simon introduced her to so long ago. Her self-inflicted exile will allow her to deal with the loss of her beloved David.
Determined to pick up the pieces of her shattered existence, Helen opens herself up to the possibility of befriending David’s daughters. The young women are nothing like what she thought they’d be. Nevertheless, she is willing to embrace every inch of who and what they are.
When Helen’s past catches up with her, she soon realizes that she can never leave it behind. If she’s to move on, her husband and the secrets he’s kept must be dealt with.
Unwilling to sit on the sidelines, Helen is determined in rebuilding her life step-by-step. To do that, she’ll need to return to the one place she never thought she’d set foot in ever again—the beautiful city of London. Once there, she’ll need to confront everything and everyone she left behind.
Comings & Goings is the second book in the Goings-On trilogy.
Purchase Links:
(Not yet available.)
ANDRÉ enjoyed our dinner date as much as I had. Though we didn’t make any further dates, he’d taken to popping in to see me every other night, usually after he arrived home from work.
Delighted, I enjoyed his company and found him breathtakingly hot, though I didn’t want to be seen as the one giving chase. I wasn’t a hundred percent comfortable with the situation. If things did develop any further, it would be at a pace I felt comfortable with.
On several occasions, he stayed long enough to have a coffee or a glass of wine, amusing me with stories and gossip about some of the people who worked for him. The more I watched him and listened to his tales, the more I thought how appropriate the message on his T-shirt had been. He was, indeed, ‘a fucking idiot,’ but an intelligent, interesting, caring, handsome, and fuckable one, at that. His sense of humour was typically British. In his case, the sarcasm spilling from his mouth was not the lowest form of wit. It was clever, off the cuff, and highly entertaining. I loved spending time with him, though I pondered as to whether it could ever be more than what we had now.
Some of his visits grew longer. He often stayed until midnight, or thereafter, before he left my apartment. I assumed he’d already eaten on those occasions, and I never felt the inclination to offer to cook. At best, I brought out snacks and nibbles—crisps, nuts, chocolate, and as a one-off, fresh strawberries and ice cream.
André always had more conversation to offer than I did. He had a life, a business, and plenty of news. With no job, no colleagues, no family, hence no news, the only topic I could offer was that of my past. He never noticed how skilled I was at sidestepping painful discussions about ex-partners and my parents. My unsavoury career escaped a mention, too.
The two of us had similar tastes in music, films, and books. As far as I was concerned, it was much safer ground. We watched a few recent box office successes. Most were of his choosing, but they were nevertheless enjoyable.
What I enjoyed the most was when we decided to have a wander down by the riverside. Maybe this was down to my months of self-inflicted confinement. Perhaps I’d enjoyed being out and about during Catherine and Ruby’s recent visit. My newly born craving to be out in the open air was such that if André and I didn’t venture out for a walk at some point during his visit, I would head out the following morning for a lonesome stroll. I found it to be therapeutic, and it gave me other things to focus on, something I hadn’t allowed myself to do for a long time.
About The Author:
Eva Bielby was born and raised in North Yorkshire in the North East of England. From the age of seven, she became a member of her local library, and was backwards and forwards perusing the children’s section at least twice a week. Eva still lives in her birth town with her son and daughter, and their respective families being in close proximity.
Having worked in accounts offices since leaving school, Eva passed her accountancy qualifications when her children were very young. She has spent nearly thirty years of her working life as a company accountant.
Eva has always been interested in writing and has written many poems over the years. She started writing seriously in 2014 when she completed the first part of the erotic Goings On series. Book two followed in 2015. Eva has already commenced work on the final part of the trilogy. Being a reader of many genres of novels, Eva would also love to write a suspense thriller in the future, which she would carry out under an alternative pseudonym.
Eva has many hobbies, which include playing badminton and going on long country walks. She has a keen interest in spiritualism/mediumship, and has recently attended several workshops to develop her skills further.
Eva loves nothing better than to have fun with her grandchildren. During quieter moments, she enjoys a cryptic crossword or sudoku.
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